Tag: IRA
Ready to Start Investing? Here’s the Best Online Brokers for Beginners
I can remember the first time I made my first stock trade. I was an intern at the investment firm that eventually hired me. It was right around when the tech bubble burst, and tech stocks were trading at extreme discounts. I didn’t have a lot of money, actually I had really almost no money,…
Average Retirement Savings – How Does Your Savings Stack Up?
You’ve been busting your butt, scraping by, trying to save as much as you can into your retirement accounts, but you never feel like it’s enough. Money is such a taboo subject that most of your co-workers don’t feel like opening up about how much they have saved (or how much they wish they would…
Opening a No Fee Roth IRA with Scottrade
One of my goals in mobilizing the Roth IRA movement was that I was hopeful that many young adults would get inspired and, in turn, open up their first Roth IRA. I knew, however, that while some would take the initiative and actually do it, there would be many others who would be overwhelmed with…
Should You Rollover Your Pension into an IRA?
Are you considering rolling over your pension over to an IRA? Before you do, make sure you’ve explored all your options. Use my contact form for a free pension rollover consultation. Over 90,000 Ford Employees are facing a major decision: What to do with their pension. Should they “play it safe” and continue to take…
Retiring Early? Don’t Forget About 72(t)!
Ask any financial advisor about 72t and I’ll bet you’ll see them cringe. It’s not a popular planning method, mostly because it comes with lengthy restrictions that, if violated, can you lead to severe penalties. Clients don’t like paying penalties. Advisors don’t like when their clients pay penalties. 72(t) has the potential, if done wrong,…