Pre-Foreclosures: How to Get Past the Gatekeeper


Part of becoming a new real estate investor is getting comfortable with being persistent in the pre-foreclosure market: cold calling, door knocking, checking up on a homeowner, and just getting your foot in the door with conversations.

Get past the pre-foreclosures gate keeper

Today’s Deals are NOT Listed with a Realtor

Chasing deals controlled by agents using the MLS (multiple listing service) is not the way to go in this market. Have you seen all the bidding wars taking place on listed properties? It’s crazy! That is how you sell properties, not buy them.

The best deals, at the best prices, are found by helping owners in distress, find their fresh start. That means calling owners direct and striking a win-win deal before they lose their house to auction. Your owner will get out from under their foreclosure nightmare, with money in their pocket and a fresh start. And you will be rewarded with happy ending and money in your bank too. It truly is a win-win for all.

Getting past the Pre-Foreclosure Gatekeeper

But to do this, you must first get past the gatekeepers – those who are screening the owners calls or blocking you at their door. These gatekeepers can be friends, family or spouse. And to be successful you must get past them – to help the homeowner.

At first, making those calls or knocking on doors is frustrating and scary, no different than your first day at school/college, or that first day at a new job. You don’t know how people will react and you aren’t sure if you’ll strike the wrong chord. But you go, and you try, and sure enough you make friends and make it through just fine!

When starting out, make sure your message to the gatekeeper is short and generic. Your goal is to get the owner to call you back. It is NOT to tell the gatekeeper why you are calling or allow him to screen the call. This is very important! It’s none of their business. If the owner wants to tell him, he can, but you are NOT going to share any of the details of why you are calling with anyone except the owner. Be very clear about this!

In recent blogs that spotlight client success, both Dave the Unemployed Salesperson and Randy the Milkman both said you have to just get out there and do it – call and door knock owners in default (and their neighbors and relatives) – even if you’re nervous. That is how you will get those deals!

Tips for Getting Past the Pre-Foreclosure Gatekeeper

  • Be polite: No matter how abrasive the gatekeeper acts, keep your cool! Stay nice and on subject. Don’t get drug into their drama. Stay calm and use humor (always help to make them laugh) to soften them up a bit. Try to deflect with open ended questions to get them talking.
  • Connect on a personal level: Don’t be all business. The more personal and genuine you sound, the more likely they will help you get in touch with the homeowner.
  • Get on their level: Acknowledge that you understand they are trying to protect the owner… then ask them what they are protecting them from? Who’s calling the owner? Who’s bothering the owner? You may be able to help him… if you could just talk to him. Remember, your goal is for the gatekeeper to get the owner to call you back!
  • Work together: Ask when the owner is home, so you can stop by and talk to him then. You appreciate his help in getting a message, but maybe the best thing is for you to just try again. Find out when and come back, this time without the gatekeeper in your way.

If the Pre-Foreclosure Gatekeeper Still Won’t Budge

Start sizing up your alternatives. Social media is a fantastic way to find and connect with hiding owners in default. Friend them on Facebook. Look for them on Linked in, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. Send them a private message. Google search and see if you can find them at work or in social clubs or groups. The last option is to return to the property at different times of the day and hope to catch them. I’m sure you’ll find them.

As My Mom would say “Where there’s a will, %here’s a way”!

Want to learn more about this? Join me this Tuesday 6pm Pacific in my Brand New Live Strategy Session “New Proven Flip Strategies for Fast Paydays”. Cash investors are paying big finder’s fees for deals. Don’t let the banks and title companies get in your way of profits. I’ll show you the way, so you can start closing deal, and putting money in your bank, in the next 30 days. Talk to you then!

Read more about Pre-Foreclosures:

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