Best Steak Chili Recipe Ever – It Has 3 Meats!

Can you say….. “Chili Time”! Yeah, baby…that’s right.

For the third consecutive year, I’m participating in the 100 Man Who Cook – a local fundraiser that rounds up 100 of the best male chefs around.

You’re probably wondering why they asked me – good question! I have no idea. :)

Since I’ve very limited in the dishes I can prepare – you can see my easy shrimp pasta recipe and my easy chicken pasta recipe – but other than peanut butter and jelly on wheat toast; that’s about all I got!

My signature dish, by far, is my 3 meat steak chili recipe. And if I must say….it’s the best chili recipe ever!! It’s so good that I filmed a video about it (see below).

If you can’t see the video, click here.

Alas, I can’t take full credit for it. The recipe was initially inspired from Jeremy from GenXFinance and his award winning steak chili recipe.

I won’t share the entire ingredients here – you’ll have to check out Jeremy’s post to find those out. I will share what I tweaked about the recipe to make it my own.

Chili Recipe Tweaks

For the most part I left the chili recipe as is, but after making it the first time I felt that it needed something. I just wasn’t sure what.

The recipe calls for 3 pounds of steak and while I love steak, it was almost too much. I decided instead to replace 2 pounds with ground beef and I must say it’s awesome!

The second change was adding a bit more spice. I’m not a big fan of Tabasco sauce so I eliminated it. Instead I added a second poblano pepper. Yes, a second! Can you say blazing?

I wasn’t familiar with poblano peppers until this recipe and I must say they are HOTT. Warning: do not rub your eyes when cutting these puppies. Your eyes will sting. Yes, I’m speaking from personal experience.

Lastly, I always add an extra can of crushed tomatoes and sometimes will add smaller cans of tomato sauce. It all depends how soupy you like your chili. I’m more on the soupy side so adding the extra cans makes all the difference.

Bonus: As an added bonus, I’ve recently been experimenting this as a chili mac recipe by cooking some elbow macaroni to go with it. I must say it makes the chili that much better – if that’s even possible. If you go this direction, if will definitely set you apart. I mean, c’mon. Who actually makes a 3 meat steak chili mac recipe? No one until now.

Bon Apetit!

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