Bernanke Gets the Nod – What Happened to Debating Issues?

Yesterday I tweeted my disappointment with President Obama’s re-nomination of Ben Bernake as chairman of the fed. I am not sure why we are praising a man who did not see this entire meltdown coming and if he did see it, he did nothing until it was too late. Maybe Peter Schiff is right, it’s better to stick with devil you know versus the devil you don’t. Only time will tell.

Anyway, after tweeting about this issues, I lost over 250 followers. Honestly, I could care less about the followers. What bothered me is the lack of discourse about America’s future. Whether we are discussing health care, the economy, or education, we’ve stopped talking to each other in a civil way. This is not a liberal or conservative issue and it should not be framed as a Democrat or Republican debate. This is about the future of America. If you live in this country you have skin in the game. It’s time to stop the “divide and conquer” politics that rips at the core of a intelligent national debate. It’s time to realize we have more in common than not.

For all those who left yesterday, I have news for you, President Obama will make mistakes in his Presidency, just like every other President before him. This does not make him a bad person or a bad leader. It makes him human. It is our duty as citizens of this country to speak out when we disagree with our elected leaders. This freedom is what makes our country so great and powerful.

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