Jerry Brown is Clearly Focused on his 2010 Run at Governor

California Puts Foreclosure Consultants On Notice: Attorney general threatens to prosecute 386 unregistered consultants
My response to this article.
Its clear Jerry Brown is focused on his 2010 run at Governor. When dealing with housing issues his office is almost 100% focused on the “evil Loan mod” companies and foreclosure consultants that are preying on desperate residents of CA. Yes, there are a lot of scam shops out there, and they should be prosecuted to full extent of the law. What they do to desperate homeowners is despicable, but what about the banks who made these bad loans in the first place? Do they get a pass? If we want real justice now and in the future we need to go to the source. Putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound is hardly a cure.

Mr. Brown it would be nice if you focused on the real issues facing struggling homeowners and less on sound bites and photo opps. The people of California deserve better.

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